Put your tankard on some
prime meme real estate
Square acacia wood coaster with riveted metal corners
Definitely the fanciest coasters we offer with an immaculate polished finish and soft foam feet, edged with riveted black metal corners
Engraving: Polished wooden surface, clean finish
3 Crowns
Pre-engraved at Anvil
Custom Engraved between events
Round trunk cut stained wood coaster with bark edge
Our most organic coasters, boasting big Navarr vibes
The growth rings in the trunk will distort the engraved image in a pleasing organic way
Engraving: Exposed trunk, naturally distorted finish
Hexagon cut stained wood coaster
Rough and ready coasters with natural wood grain distortions
Engraving: Stained uncoated wood, naturally distorted finish
Customise any item with your
banner, logo, message or design
Custom Work
Engraved leather hilt of
Scânteie Vinovăta's Sword
"TERF Cleaver"
in Wintermark Runes
The banner of "The Black Vigil"
Now adorning the coasters of
The Blind Eye pub in the Marches.
"It's the greatest bar in Anvil,
won't you come and take your seat?"
The Blind Eye | Silgor